The Belgian combo starts their second album with a flawless RAMONES tribute, then settles into the classic 70's NYC Punk'n'Roll (HEARTBREAKERS, DEAD BOYS), adds a fat pinch of BEACH BOYS/Bubblegum sound, the usual 77 UK Suspects (CLASH, VIBRATORS, PISTOLS) and a subtle Glitter/Glam note to a snappy overall package. Just perfect: Wilde Steve Jones riffs, opulent keyboard harmonies, perfect 70's retro feeling. 11 songs in English language, including "French Girls" as vinyl-only track in twice/alternate performance.
The story of The RATBOYS goes back to the summer of 2008. Eric St John went with his daughter Deborah to a so called "punk" festival featuring 4 bands. Belgian punk heroes The Kids, Buzzcocks, The Sex Pistols and -his personal favorites of the day- The New York Dolls.
Eric St John
There, in the crowd, he stumbled upon bass player Vincenzo whom he hadn't seen in more than a decade. Probably inspired by the music they had listened to all afternoon, they very quickly discussed the possibility to make some noise together. Soon a drummer -Baba- and a guitar player - Manu Ribot - were found and within a couple of months the four of them had enough material to record what would become their debut full length "Cash, gas and trash" that saw the light of day in early 2010 on Brutarian Records.
Renaud Arents
Unfortunately, shortly after the release of the album various setbacks occurred, the band soon fell apart and everybody went his own way. In 2017 Vincenzo and Eric St John decided to reboot The RATBOYS. With little success at first until finally in early 2019 guitar slinger James and new drummer Reno entered the picture.
James Neligan
Within a couple of weeks the sophomore album "Click" was recorded and, like the first album, it was mixed by the one and only Pierre Vervloesem. This album was recorded in various places all around the world between March 2019 and July 2019 Eric St John: Vocals and guitars Vincenzo D'Aguanno: Bass James Neligan: Guitars Renaud Arents: Drums Available on CD on RUMBAR Records: