The Last Of The International Playboys is the sophomore full length effort from Jagger Holly, a band featuring bass man Jay Dee from Johnie 3 and Spastic Hearts fame. Originally from Ohio where the band was formed in 2015, Jay relocated in Austria 4 years ago. In Europe, he recruited Matt on guitar (DeeCracks from Austria) and Marco on Drums (On My Arms from Italy).
The Last Of The International Playboys was recorded in Innsbruck, Austria by Magi at the Weirdo Garage with the Euro lineup of the band and the trio delivers a kick ass collection of 12 ultra catchy pop-punk tunes that will stick in your head for days. Jagger Holly excels in bringing poppy and sugary sweet harmonies. And that's exactly that the world needs today.
Hey I'm Jay. I play Bass and formed the band in 2015 in Ohio. I recruited Stiv on Guitar and Mr. Casey on Drums and toured all over the Midwest/east coast USA. Then recorded our debut album at Space Mountain in Youngstown, Ohio called “DJ Free Europe". Shortly after I moved to Europe where I now live for the past 4 years. The European band features Matze on Guitar and Marco on Drums. We have been to Japan and South America and all over Europe with this line up. More stuff coming!
2) About the latest full length record "The Last Of The International Playboys", what can you tell about the recording process? Was this a "live" in the studio recording or a track by track recording with lots of overdubs?
We usually try and experiment with different guitar tones but keep the same process during recording sessions. We lay down the drums first of course. In The Playboys record Marco did 16 drum tracks in one day. And then we did Bass. Then guitars. Usually, in my bands after the drums are done we do a rhythm guitar track and build off that. So in that sense this record was a bit different. We experimented with different sounds. Like Horns and some percussion. No key's on this record which is a first. We just kind of ran out of time. This was a really fun record to make. It was actually tracked pretty quick but sat there collecting dust waiting on all of our schedules to be the same. In the band here in Europe I live in the middle and Matze and Marco both live 5 hours away in opposite directions. So, you can guess it gets tough to get us all in the same room. We made it happen tho. The Rock don't stop.

I don't think it's foolish to not use technology. There is a fine line tho. If you just use a computer to fix every thing and sound perfect then that is a problem. To me you shouldn't sound like a different band when you see them live ya know? So analog or digital...just sound how you sound live.
4) Is there a main composer in the band or is everybody involved in one way or another?
I write and demo the songs and the give the guys the skeletons of the structures. Just with my vocal/guitar and drum machine with just hats and snare. I send them to Matze (who also writes some songs in Jagger) and he does his thing and takes it to another level and Marco lays the foundation with the drums and we build from there. I really enjoy bouncing ideas off one another and making this thing I started on a acoustic guitar into something huge sounding.
5) What is your favorite topic/topic that comes easily when you write a new song?
Girls. Every song is about a girl I think. Either that or a party. At least in this band. Politics don't belong in music. To me at least. To each their own tho. Life is too short to sing about stuff I know nothing about.
6) Jagger Holly is sometimes described as a "punk/powerpop" band. Do you agree with this label? Are you proud of it or do you consider there is way more than that?
I never think about it really. All the labels that you get along the way saying you are this type of music or that. As long as people are into it. Who cares! It's all Rock and Roll.
7) Do you have a new video on youtube featuring a track from the new LP??
Yes we do! For a song called "It Ain't Over (Till I'm Sober) A lot of it was shot in Venice Italy. Some in Innsbruck Austria. And the rest in Brazil. I think it came out niiice. Check it out!
8) What can concert goers expect at a Jagger Holly gig? Are you playing any famous cover songs? Are you playing "I Wanna Be Well"?
As far as the live show we try to play more obscure covers. Like Dee Dee Ramone or Beach Boy cover. Some not so common Ramones songs. I don't like covers really. They are a necessary tho I guess. The "I Wanna Be Well" cover we did for OUTLOUD! Records was on our off day in Brazil and we were checking out our friend Pacote's "Hill Valley Studio" and he asked us if we wanted to record anything. We didn't have anything really new because we had just finished our "Last of the international playboys" back in Europe. So, I heard OUTLOUD was doing this Ramones comp and figured we would pick something obscure and we picked that. It turned out great I think. Loved recording there as well.
9) To what kind of music did you listen to as a teenager and does it still influence your today work? What was your favorite band as a teenager? Name 3 bands that you consider still have a influence on your own work today?
Actually these days I don't listen to anything after 1975 on a steady rotation. I would say the 3 bands that have an influence on me now or at least the ones I listen to most are Rolling Stones, Weezer, Ramones. When I was a teen it was probable Riverdales/Queers. Bands in mine scene I would say Mugwumps, Prozacs, Flanders 72, Sheckies... are always killer.
10) Anything you wanna add?
Support local music and LIVE music. DJ's are not a replacement for live bands. Thanks for the interview!!
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