Friday, December 8, 2017

The Datsuns - Deep Sleep

The Datsuns - Deep Sleep
In WAV - Scans are included

1 Caught In The Silver
2 Bad Taste
3 Claw Machine
4 Shaky Mirrors
5 500 Eyes
6 That's What You Get
7 Creature Of The Week
8 Looking Glass Lies
9 Sun In My Eyes
10 Deep Sleep

The Datsuns’ self-titled 2002 debut was promising enough to suggest that a gradual fade into irrelevance was unlikely. The New Zealand quartet’s blues-rock licks caught the attention of Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones, who produced their 2004 album ‘Outta Sight/Outta Mind’. Still, fade they did. Twelve years on from their start though, the band remain committed to keeping wild ’70s riffing alive. Guitarist Phil Somervell makes most impact on ‘Deep Sleep’ – opener ‘Caught In The Silver’ is a squall of screeching solos, while ‘Claw Machine’ offers a glammy alternative to Royal Blood’s thunder. Indeed, bar the dreamier title track, there’s barely a moment’s peace on a record that forces new life into an aging band one breakneck solo at a time. (!79sBiISC!oeLCtzuf2AeCNGp_mSeKYDpjqkM4O0afY9Z8vdM-fKs

Special Thanks to Joey R.A. Mone for this great contribution


  1. Ratboy, what's going on with these rars? This is the third one that won't open with any of the three programs I have installed. The error message says the file is either damaged or in "and unknown format." What program are you currently using to create the zip files?


  2. Hey Frank,

    I really don't know which program was used by Joey to create the zip files.

    But I just tested it moments ago. I downloaded the file and unzipped it with WINRar and it worked perfectly fine for me.


  3. WinRar is one of the programs I'm using, along with Izarc and 7-Zip. The rar can't be opened by any of them. I tried using WinRar's Repair Archive tool, but the repaired archive gave me the same message, that it is "corrupt or in an unknown format." I also tried downloading the file two more times, in case it got corrupted in transit, but it still won't open. I guess this one is going to remain beyond my reach, but thanks for the info and for testing it yourself, Ratboy, and as always thanks for the great blog and the time you put into it.


  4. Frank, send me your e-mail and I will send you this file by wetransfer. Your mail address will not be published.


  5. Thank you for the WeTransfer file RB, it opened with no problems. I'm listening to and enjoying the Datsuns right now. I know I heard something by them in the past, but don't remember them sounding so psychedelic. I like it a lot, though. Thanks again for taking the time to send the file.

