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Friday, November 20, 2015

Tribute to Midnight Rambler (Sons of the Dolls)

It's exactly one year today since Patrick (Midnight Rambler) passed away. 

Patrick, myself and a couple of other guys, JPaul, Limburg, Remi and Billy W. shared a dropbox and we were always thrilled whenever Patrick put some new stuff in the box coz we knew we were in for a treat.

This is one of the things he put in the box. So take a minute to remember him while listening to this record.

The Boys - Punk Rock Menopause
In FLAC - Scans are included
1 1976
2 I Need You
3 I'm A Believer
4 She's The Reason
5 Global Warming
6 Keep Quiet
7 How Hot You Are
8 Punk Rock Girl
9 Organ Grinder
10 How Can I Miss You
11 What's The Matter With Morris
12 Pistol Whipping Momma
13 Baby Bye Bye


dado said...

L'andropause n'a pas trop esquinté le talent de ces garçons après 30 années de silence (hormis le Power Cut de 1997, recueil d'anciens morceaux retravaillés). J'espère que Patrick [R.I.P.] aura eu le temps d'apprécier cet album avant de nous quitter. Merci pour sa commémoration Ratboy !

Doug said...

Wow.A year passes very quickly.

limburg said...


Thanks for the best post of the YEAR!!!!!!!!

Never to be forgotten!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

merci pour PATRICK


Billy said...

Didn't realize it had already been a year. Always looked forward to his uploads. I'll listen to this one for him tonight.

DEE DEE said...

C'était l'un de ses groupes préférés... Patrick nous manque beaucoup. RIP my friend.

mimercier said...

Belle pensée..
Patrick une belle âme.

lmelis said...

Already a year without Midnight Rambler? Sons of the Dolls still on my bookmarks. Don't think I'll ever take take it out from there. Thanks for sharing this one.

Anonymous said...

Grand merci pour patrick alias "pat"
On pensera toujours a lui

Merci beaucoup
Jef megawatts

Woody said...

Thank you very much friend. Forever Sons of the Dolls, Midnight Rambler Forever.

geololo said...

Une petite pensée pour Patrick, Sons Of The Dolls était un grandissime blog plein de pépites. Encore merci Patrick, pour toutes ces fantastiques découvertes musicales.